We understand that privacy on the Internet is important to you. We are providing this Privacy Statement to help you understand how we collect and use information when you make a reservation.
The server which hosts hoteltashkonak.com automatically logs your IP address, the time of visit and visited pages to generate website usage reports.
We may or may not use cookies to store marketing information only. We never use cookies to store personal information, such as credit card numbers, names or email addresses.
We ask you for contact information (name, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number), credit card information and country information for statistical purposes.
During the reservation process, you will be asked to choose between fax reservation and online reservation.
If you choose to make reservation by fax, no personal information will be transmitted over the internet and stored on our databases.
If you prefer to make online reservation, the information you have provided will be stored in databases.
Our secure server encrypts all of your personal information, including your name, address, and credit card information, so that it cannot be read as it is transmitted over the Internet.
Our site booking form is secured with an SSL certificate.
We do not sell or rent your personal information to anyone. We may share your contact information with third parties to fulfill your requests. We will disclose individual personal information if we are subpoenaed or ordered by a court of law.
During the reservation process, all data is transmitted via SSL security encryption. Additionally, your credit card information is encrypted multiple times using our encryption keys and is only accessible by the Hotel's reservation department.
If you have concerns about online security, we suggest you to use fax reservation option